Wednesday, June 25, 2014

A Summer Project: Update my Calendar Wall!

It's always nice to go into summer with a project.  Right???

Well, this summer I have Calendar Walls on the brain!  Mine is in need of an update.  I have things on mine that I don't really use, and mine is missing things that I'd like to use!  Clearly, I need to update!

This is what my calendar wall/bulletin board looked like last school year.  Actually, it has looked like this for the past several years.  I need a change.
I use this AMAZING resource for calendar time in my classroom.

I really love calendar time.  It's a short time that packs a big punch!  We cover oodles of math concepts during this time -- some that are common core and some that aren't.  The kids know what to expect when they get ready for calendar each day and the variety of skills we discuss keeps everyone interested.  I want a useful, engaging space for this daily activity.

I'm scouring Pinterest and some of my favorite blogs and am finding lots of fun ideas.  Like this colorful board by Miss Kindergarten.
I love the idea of using base ten blocks to count the days.  This came from Ramblings of a First Grade Teacher.  I do have a hundreds chart pocket chart that I use now, and will continue to use, but I like this visual too.
This doesn't have everything I need, but I love how clear and colorful it is.  And the days of the week on rings with hooks.  Love that!
This calendar wall comes from Learning with Mrs. Parker.  Ten-frames are definitely on my list of musts for my new calendar wall.

I'm still in early thinking stages.  There are a few things I know I will include, and a lot is still up in the air!  
Do you love your calendar wall?  Please share!
Are you going to be updating your calendar wall this summer too?  Please share!
Do you have a different summer project in the works?  Please share!
Let's talk about it!

IN OTHER NEWS....I just started a separate Instagram account for ABCs and Polka Dots and all things teacher-related!  I didn't love mixing my professional stuff with my personal stuff in my other account, so please come on over and follow me on IG!  My user name is abcsandpolkadots.  I'd love to connect with you there!!


  1. Hi Jill, We have several things in common in addition to both living in Michigan. I, too, am redoing my calendar "wall." It was boring this year, though I did have a weekly graph on it, and that I'm going to keep. I also count the days with unifix cubes– I like that better than popsicle sticks. I am just starting on instagram and looking for ways people use it. And I am reading Jan Richardson's book. I was lucky enough to get a year's worth of training by Jan– she really launched me into GR years ago. I would love to email you, but your email link is not working, at least today. Please contact me. Thanks for great posts! Kidpeople Classroom
