Friday, June 27, 2014

Five for Friday {June 27}

Well, hello Friday.  It's been an awesome day here and a week filled with oodles of summer fun!

1.  The weather this week started out disappointing -- rain, cool for summer, and suuuuper humid.  We watched Trey's baseball game on Monday night with umbrellas and rain coats handy.  It ended up only sprinkling a bit, but the sky was very gray and looked like it might open up at any second!

2. Tuesday was still humid, and a bit foggy, but we were determined to fit in some summer family fun this week.  We live only a few miles from the shores of Lake Michigan and there is a sand dune there that we had wanted to climb for a while now.  We headed out there after lunch to climb the 239 steps to the top and take in the awesome view of the lake.  It was foggy, but beautiful!  AND I even got to snap a selfie of myself and the hubby!  The sun cleared up before we left and we got to dip our toes in the lake.  Pure Michigan at it's finest.

3. I had been looking forward to Thursday evening since the beginning of June!  I hosted a Favorite Things party.  Six girls I love from school came to take part in the fun!  And FUN we had!!!  OH. MY.  SO much laughter and love in this group.  I can't even say how blessed I feel to be part of this awesome, talented group of women!  It is such a gift to work with some of my very best friends.  We had a blast.  I'll post more details about the party next week!

 4. Today has been a perfect summer day from the moment I woke up.  The weather couldn't be better and we had a whole day with nothing planned!  We ended up heading out to another sand dune a bit farther from home (about 30 minutes) and climbed the 282 steps to the top of that one for another breathtaking view.  i-Phone photos don't do it justice!  
 Beautiful.  Amazing.  Perfect.  Such a good day.

 5. And now...this.  One major benefit to hosting parties at your house?  You get to keep the leftover drink that your friend brings!!  I'm enjoying a glass of DELICIOUS white peach sangria while I blog tonight. :)

Happy weekend, friends!!!

1 comment:

  1. We had one of those perfect weather days today here in New Hampshire. I worked in my garden and loved every minute of it. That hike you took looks absolutely beautiful! And that white peach sangria sounds yummy!

    Sally from Elementary Matters
