Friday, July 25, 2014

Five for Friday {July 25}

It's time for Five for Friday!

My week was all sorts of summer fun....with a little bit of work tucked in.   

1. I make my own laundry soap.  I found a "recipe" a few years ago, and the whole concept intrigued me enough to try it.  I've been making my own ever since.  This is a double batch and will last me between 4 and 6 months.
I'll be talking more about it on Monday for Monday Made It.  Come back then if you'd like more info!

2.  This week I had THREE lazy beach/pool/relax with friends days.  AWESOME.  Two of them at friends' cottages and one of them at Lake Michigan.  Here are some pics from the first one.  This is how I spent Monday.  Summer fun with my kids is one of the best things in the world.
I EVEN worked up the courage to do THIS!  I am not much of a water lover.  I'd rather be on the beach than in the water, but this looked like too much fun.  And it was.  At one point, my son (the adventure-seeker) said "I can tell we're going sooooo fast.  Good job mom!".  Bless him.  We were going 14 MPH.  
I did pick up speed after getting comfortable. :) So much fun.

 3. A little bit of school work.  All in moderation in the summer!  Cutting out these adorable stitched stars for my door display this year!  Next step...add my little superstars' names and laminate them!

4. This is FREE in my TPT store.  I posted about it yesterday.  Go snag it if your word wall needs a fresh look!

5. So, you know how I'm on Facebook now???  Well, I'm still trying to figure it all out.  I've spent too much time this week trying to set up a Fan Freebie app on my page.  I *think* I've got it now (fingers crossed), although I haven't actually tried adding a freebie yet, so I guess time will tell!  Ha!  Hoping to get something added there next week....I'll let you know so that you can go get it!
Carrie and Danielle were both so patient and helpful and answered so many questions for me.  Thanks a million, girls!

I'm headed to Chicago for the weekend and can't wait!  See you back here next week, friends!


  1. I love those stitched stars! I can't wait to see the finished product.

    Have a great weekend

  2. Oh, I have to ask you--how do you like Facebook?? I don't have an account for my classroom yet, but have pretty much all the other social medias. Just not sure about it.
    I love your stitched starts and word wall letters btw!

  3. Those stitched stars are adorable! I’m gearing up for a big giveaway on my blog on August 11 - come stop by so you don’t miss it!!
    Beyond The Gradebook

  4. Hi Jill, I am your newest Facebook follower and I saw that you are trying to set up the Fan Freebie also! I did mine through woo box and hoping it works, although for some reason I think anyone can access the freebie, when of course I would like it to be accessed by fans only. Let me know if I can help "test" your Facebook fan freebie link for you and vice versa! I is for Inspire
    P.S. that detergent is a must try! I'm all about less cost and less preservatives :)

  5. Can't wait to read about the homemade soap!! Have fun in Chicago!

    Kimberly Ann
    Live, Laugh, I love Kindergarten
