Friday, August 1, 2014

Five for Friday {August 1}

Happy Friday!

1.  My hubby and I spent last weekend in Chicago with our small group.  It was a fabulous, adults only weekend.  We had a blast!

2. My hubby started back into coaching football this week in the mornings, so I had some good mommy/kids time.  We went to feed the ducks at a local park yesterday.  The ducks were as cute as could be, but the geese were crazy!  I actually went to hide out in the car because I was afraid that they would bite me!  My kids were much braver than I was. Ha!
 3. I got my swag bag yesterday for this weekend's Color Run!  I'll be running with a team from my school.  Eeeee!  So excited!  
 4. I've spend some time this week preparing these cuties for a back-to-school bulletin board display.  Check out yesterday's post to read more.  
5. Today marks 13 years since my little brother passed away.  He died from cancer when he was 16.  August 1st is always a day of remembering.  Today I am remembering my brother and thanking God for His unspeakable goodness and grace.
Enjoy your weekend, friends.


  1. Thinking of you today, friend!

  2. What a sweet picture of you and Matt. Thinking of the Kleinheksel clan today! Love you!
