Saturday, January 3, 2015

New Year, New Class Book

As I'm preparing for being back at school next week, I've been thinking of how I can incorporate some goal-setting with my littles.  The start of a new year is always a good time for hopeful anticipation of what the year will hold, so we're going to stretch our Kindergarten minds next week and try to think BIG PICTURE.

Big picture can be very hard for Kindergarten minds.  Two hours from now feels like big picture.  Sometimes five minutes from now feels like big picture.  

But.....we'll discuss and brainstorm, and then we'll make a class book.

Because you know I LOVE making class books!!

I am going to use this page (and you can too.  CLICK HERE.)  and encourage my students to think of one goal for school and one goal for home.  

What new things do they want to learn this year?
What might they want to try for the first time?
Where might they want to visit?
What new habits could they form?

I'll ask them to narrow their ideas down and choose ONE goal for home and ONE for school.  They will draw and label.  Or they will draw and I will label.  And then I'll laminate the pages, bind them into a class book, and they will be part of each students' memory book at the end of the year.

And of course I'll show you when we're done.

Will you be setting goals with your students next week???

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