Wednesday, January 7, 2015

"Snowmen at Night" extension craftivity

The snow has returned to Michigan!  And, just in time to make morning commutes to school nice and tricky. :) sure is GORGEOUS to see those big flakes falling outside, and it puts me in the mood to get adorable snowmen all over my classroom!  

This is one of my favorite books to read in January.  I'm sure you've heard of it and read it too.  The illustrations are beautiful and the story is so fun and really gets kids thinking creatively!
I decided to pair a snowman directed drawing with a super-short writing assignment to create a fun extension craftivity for this awesome book.
I wish wish wish that I could remember where I found this directed drawing, but I can't trace it back to it's original home right now!  If you know, please share in the comments!  
 If you've been reading this blog for any length of time, you know that I LOVE doing directed drawings with my students.  They are always so amazed what they can draw when it's broken down one step at a time.  
We completed the drawings on Monday, and then yesterday during Literacy Stations, I pulled students independently to complete the sentence to add to their work.  I assisted those students who needed some help stretching their words, but many students are able to do it on their own this time of year!  So crazy how quickly they become independent!  Blows me away every year when I stop to think about it!
Their responses were so creative and all different!  

I've attached a link to this page so that you can use it with your students if you'd like.

CLICK HERE to download it from Google Drive.

Happy snowy January!!  Hope you are enjoying this week back at school with your students!

I'm linking up with Jessica for her new weekly linky!
Head on over and see what some other great teachers are up to on this first week back!


  1. Oh how I wish we had full day kindergarten! I just have no time for this cute stuff in just a half-day!

  2. Love this book!! I just read it to Gracelyn last night <3

    Thanks for linking up and I hope to see you next week!

    Mrs. Stanford's Class

  3. This is so cute!!! I have been seeing a few directed art snowmen pictures and would love to try one with my kindergarten friends! Thanks so much for sharing!


  4. I came over from the Hump Day blog hop. I'm your newest Pinterest and Blog follower.
    These pictures are precious, as a mom I would keep it forever!
    Fern Smith's Classroom Ideas!
    Fern Smith's Pinterest Boards!

  5. I love this book, and so does my daughter. Thank you for sharing! It is cold here in Georgia, but we haven't gotten any snow. I found your blog through this link-up, and I am so glad I did.


  6. LOVE that book, too! My Michigan commute has been something else, too!! We're doing that same directed draw tomorrow!!

  7. Found your blog through Stanford's link-up! I'm also a huge fan of all the Snowmen books! Thanks for sharing!
    Heidi Neels
    Flipping For First
