Sunday, June 14, 2015

Summer Bucket List {Linky}

Hi friends!  My last day of school was last week Monday.  It was a terrific day with a fun last-day carnival and so many smiles and squeals and giggles from my super sweet class.  Last week I spent time finishing things up in my classroom, and did some curriculum work with my team.  Friday afternoon was the official end of my teacher responsibilities until the end of August, so this weekend has been the feeling of 

I'm linking up with What the Teacher Wants for this fun Summer Bucket List linky!  Here are the things that top my list!

1. Next year, my district is making the switch to Standards Based Grading.  As a grade level team, we spent a day and a half last week organizing assessments and planning out a scope and sequence for next school year so that we're all on the same page as to how and when we will complete assessments with our students.  We are off to a GREAT start, and what used to feel completely over-the-top overwhelming doesn't feel so overwhelming anymore.  I love when that happens!  I'll just have some finishing touches to add before the new year begins.

2. I read Debbie Diller's Work Station books for literacy and math a few years ago and implemented both practices in my classroom.  
This approach has worked better for me than any others I've tried.  
If you want to read more about how I run literacy and math stations in my classroom you can click HERE
Last year, I focused more on my small group time with students and want to continue pushing myself to make that time as effective for my little learners as possible.  I'm excited about this book to keep me moving forward in this area!

1. Last summer I got in the habit of waking up early, going for a run, and then coming back for some quiet/devotional time before the rest of my family woke up.  It became my very favorite way to start the day and I couldn't wait for summer so that I could have that time again (without having to wake up at 4:45 AM to make it happen!).

2. Of course there are house projects this summer.  I'm sure that I will come up with more projects as the summer goes on, but right now I am focusing on closets and landscaping.  Hoping to get started on organizing closets tomorrow!

3. Books, please!  I have never been an avid, book-devouring reader, but every summer I like to take some time each day to read "just for me" books.  I have a stack of books waiting and others on my mental list.  Quiet reading time every day is a summertime treat!

1. Beach time is a must every summer.  And every year when summer ends I wish I would have gone more often.  Weekly beach time this summer, please.

2. We are taking a family vacation to Hawaii this summer!  I am SO EXCITED to experience Hawaii for the first time...and to do it with my husband and kids!  We want to plan our days out so that we don't miss a thing.  We still have some work to do!  And I have to plan things for my kids to do on our long flights.  Hawaii is a long way away from Michigan!  We just can't wait for this fun family vacay!

3. I love creating things and have a whole LIST of things I hope to get done this summer.  We'll see how many I can actually accomplish :), but I do hope for some good creative time this summer.

Head on over to What the Teacher Wants to read other teachers' summer bucket lists!


  1. It looks like you have a great summer planned! I love my summer mornings too! It's the best time of the day! Hawaii sounds amazing! Hope you have a great time!

    A Tall Drink of Water

  2. Hawaii sounds like so much fun!!! We would love to take a vacation there one day! Everyone that I know who has been says it is beautiful!! Have a wonderful summer!
    ~Heather :)
    Recipe for Teaching

  3. Summer mornings are the best! I love it for both those things-working out and quiet time! Enjoy your trip to Hawaii and the rest of your summer!
