Monday, June 15, 2015

TPT Seller Challenge Week 1: Makeover Madness!

I've joined up with a large group of teachers and TPT sellers to work on challenging ourselves and improving our craft during the summer months. 

Week One challenge is to make over a product already in my store.  I was THRILLED about this challenge, because I have had this very thing on my to-do list for months (maybe since last summer???) and have never taken the time to sit down and do it.  

I especially wanted to update my Winter Write the Room set.  It's been my biggest seller, and it has needed a fresh look for too long.  It was one of the first products I made, and it was in desperate need of some love!
I updated the fonts and clip art and started from scratch with a new cover.  I have learned so much since originally making this way back when, and it felt so good to change it up for the better!

Click the AFTER graphic or CLICK HERE to head over to check it out in my TPT store.  I know that winter is a long way off (thank goodness for that!), but I'll have it on sale through the end of the week in case you want to plan ahead for next school year.  Or, if you already have it, go back and download the revised version!

Head on over to Third in Hollywood to check out the other sellers in the linky!

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